Saturday, May 14, 2011

True or False?

What do you think? Does less money equal less weight?


  1. NO way!! It is expensive to eat well, oftentimes-- and that is why obesity is such a problem in the lower socioeconomic strat... Mcdonalds is cheap, easy, and ubiquitous.
    Vegetables and fruits are exotic in some inner city locations.
    Very sad, but true.

  2. I definitely disagree. Bad food is cheap - as stated above - eating well is expensive. I also think money stressors lead to my issues with eating which is emotional eating. At least if you have financial security, some of that paycheck to paycheck stress is gone. I don't think Money makes you happy either - but it sure makes things a little more tolerable!

  3. I disagree. Bad food is so cheap to get. I look at how much my students (inner city) are already struggling with weight at 10-11 years old. I see what they bring to eat (Hot Fries, etc.). I wonder if some of them would ever even have fresh fruit/veggies if it were not for school. I really want school lunch reform!!!

  4. Hmm never thought about this before...I'll get back to you. xoxxo

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. For me it does, I will buy healthy food, but then ignore the veggies and opt for eating out when I have money. Since I have graduated and have student loans to pay off now I watch every penny and the first thing that has to go is eating out!! I jokingly call it my I'm too poor diet, but it is true.
