Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Turn 30 Today...


I have been crying all day today and yesterday. Is this normal, or am I just a complete baby?


  1. First of all . . HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! And, thanks for your nice comment on my post today. :)

    Don't stress about 30. . . think of me. . I have to turn FORTY this year. . ACK!!! And, you may be turning 30 today, but you surely look and feel better, younger, stronger and healthier than you ever did at 28 or 29! So, embrace it. This is going to be an exciting new decade for you, and you are going to look amazing through it.

    So, stop crying, wash your face, do some primping and put on your party pants!!!


  2. Happy Birthday love! It's easy to be down about it - I remember. It's going to be an exciting decade with getting married, maybe kids(don't know if you want them),building your career.
    Have a great time - hopefully you have plans celebratory plans tonight.

  3. happy birthday! birthdays are a weird emotional've made a lot of changes in the past year. You've worked really hard at getting healthy and fit, and think about all the extra birthdays you will get to cry through because of it! ;)

  4. I took turning 30 really badly too so I can totally relate. Try and enjoy though, think of how this birthday is so much better than last as far as your weight, your health and the positive changes you are making in your life. Happy Birthday!

  5. Happy Birhtday & cheer up - you are young!!!!

  6. Hang in there! You know, I hated the idea of turning 30 this past October. The day came and went I now it is not so bad. This year is being very good to me and I am looking forward to it now! I bet it will do the same for you!

  7. Happy, Happy Birthday Bandita!!!! I have to say... 20 was what hit me the hardest - something about not having the "teen" after the number anymore... I'm 37 now, and actually can't wait for 40... somehow I think that it gets better each year!!!

  8. A huge happy birthday to one of the sweetest girls on the planet!!!
    I totally get your tears - I was also like it the day I turned 30. BUT..... I have since traveled that road and as you know, had to deal with turning 40 too.. you have so much to look forward to this coming decade. You're beautiful and now thin, you are a professional woman who's in a great relationship... so many plusses and really, so much more to look forward to. Have a hell of a bash to mark the occasion (sex it up girl... go wild!!) and wake up the next day knowing you had a great time and the worst of the hump is now over. Onward and upward.
    Big Hugs
    Cara xx

  9. Hope you had a happy birthday. There's lots to look forward to in your 30's and you'll have a blast.

  10. Seriously, welcome to Lacey and my age! It's tough not being able to say I am in my twenties...but come on...we are only getting better! Happy birthday sunshine!

  11. Happy isn't all that bad. I hated 36. And as some others have said you are going to have a wonderful SLIM decade....hope the day was ok

  12. Hope you had a happy birthday. I had a bit of a stress attack at turning 30 but now (at 32) I'm ok with it. My life has really improved leaps and bounds since then and I'm sure yours will be great too!

    Em :)

  13. I feel your pain, I cried for days when I turned 30! Looking back I regret that since my 30's haven't been so bad, and, in fact have been terrific. Go out and live it up, do something wild and fun and enjoy you deserve joy!

    Happy Birthday.
