Thursday, April 8, 2010

Work and WLS

At work, we sometimes get firmwide intraoffice emails from other attorneys to request knowledge from those more familiar with certain areas of law, to determine good investigators for specific geographic areas (our firm has several branches across the South), or to try to locate certain types of doctors for litigants. I won't go into too much detail on the specifics in order to maintain my anonymity, but, hopefully, that makes sense.

Well, it is no secret that I keep my WLS a secret from most--particularly those at work. Interestingly enough, yesterday I get one of these emails requesting a doctor who does gastric lapband procedures and who will accept a certain type of insurance (and some other requirements). Of course, I don't know if my own doctor accepts that type of insurance, meets the requirements, etc. ... AND, of course, it is of utmost import for me to keep my secret. It also wasn't clear which region the doctor was being requested for. I will not be sharing my information for those and some other reasons--I don't think you'd fault me either. Still, I thought it was interesting that I received this email within just a few months of beginning my job here.

Also, because I spend a lot of time reviewing medical records, I find it interesting how many litigants have had some type of WLS. Perhaps you could argue that it has something to do with the population of people with whom we deal, but really it is quite a broad cross-section of folks.

Anyhow, those are just some observations for this Thursday AM. I hope everyone is doing well and having a productive week!


  1. When you got that email did you get all paranoid like "how do they know"? I would be. :)

  2. I would have done the same thing. Totally agree 100% with your decision!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I don't blame you- I told ONE person and well...that just snowballed. It's better to keep the cat in the bag.

    For the litigants who have had WLS, what are their claims for usually? That makes me a bit nervous. :/

    (Sorry about the last post- I am a grammar Nazi and I can't stand when I make errors!)

  5. Linda: I did. Hahaha!!!

    Catherine: Thank you. :) :) :)

    Lynn: That's okay. I understand the Nazi thing. :) And I don't practice Medical Malpractice, if that's what you're wondering. :) :) Because of that, of course, I can't speak for those claiming botched up WLS. We primarily look through records for pre-existing conditions of litigants here. In doing that, we find WLS come up here and there in records, usually just incidentally. I have seen where bypasses haven't been too successful--but, as far as I know, the litigants aren't suing anyone for that (I wouldn't handle it if they did). But, without stating exactly what I practice, I will tell you why I THINK the email was probably sent: to try to get a litigant who is claiming that a condition was causing weight gain a WLS consult to see if that would help to alleviate the condition to any extent.

  6. Wow that is weird. And I would have done the exact same thing too.

  7. I'm with Linda! I would have looked around for a paranoid second and then realized it was just a coincidence ;-)

    I agree with your decision. Friends are one thing, co-workers are just random people you have to spend 8 hrs a day with to get a job done. I don't tell my co-workers anything. And they still think I've only lost 35 lbs... hehehe fools!

  8. defiantly with Linda... who is watching me!
    Like is this a trick are they trying to find out if ive had this surgery...

    My whole office knows ive had lap band surgery so dont really have that problem... Keep your ground your secret your decision =)
